Saturday, November 30, 2013

Abu Ghraib - The Location, Atmosphere, and Situation at Abu Ghraib by September 2003

5. The 372nd Military Police Company would find that Abu Ghraib was located in a desolate area of Iraq surrounded by desert and infected with intense heat. The abandoned prison was dark with the intense odder of human excrement which had to first be ride of wild hogs that had been feasting on the reported remains of 30,000 former prisoners of Saddam Hussain. Larger murals of Hussain adorn the walls of the prison as Military personnel would locate a room, known as the death chamber, that contained an elevated deck with two square wholes with a hook adhered to the ceiling above the wholes and ropes suspended from the hooks for the execution of a reported 80 to 100 hangings per day. In addition, military personnel located two large incinerators for the cremation of bodies. The 372nd had been trained to support combat operation, upon reassignment the 372nd were instructed that they were augment over to prison guards, with no training, and assume control of Abu Ghraib. The prison was reported to a prime target and was frequently attacked with mortars shells, refile fire, and bombs. The road leading to Abu Ghraib was described as the most dangerous road on the planet. By the end of September 2003 Abu Ghraib housed 6,000 prisons with a 300 military police providing security.


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