Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Senate Armed Services Committee Report on Treating of Detainees in December 2008

12.  After completing a eighteen month investigation, that included the review of hundreds of thousands of documents and extensive interviews of 70 individuals associated with the alleged allegation of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, concluded that the Bush administration and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were crucial participants in the of the abuses committed by American troops in interrogations. The report also rebuffed prior claims, made by Rumsfeld, that Department of Defense policies had no factor in the manifestation of abuse on prisoners, by military personnel, at Abu Ghraib and other detention facilities. The report further indicated that Rumsfeld and other top officials ascribed that “that physical pressures and degradation were appropriate treatment for detainees.” A principal focus was placed on the use of Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) training techniques used by American military personnel to counter interrogations by enemy forces that are reluctant to follow international law and the Geneva Convention. The committee’s investigation revealed that senior officials concluded the use of these training techniques could be used against detainees based on a loss interpretation of American and International law. The techniques utilized during SERE training were never intended to be used on American detainees and the authorized use by senior officials damaged American world standing and security.

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