Saturday, November 30, 2013

What happened at Abu Ghraib?

9. Prisoners awaiting interrogation by Military Intelligence where separated from the general population and placed in a special location in Abu Ghraib call the “Hard Site”. Military Intelligence personnel, which included CIA, linguists and interrogation specialists from private defense, would instruct military personnel to “soften up” detainees prior to interrogation. Member of the 372nd Military Police Company, which included Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick II, senior enlisted man, Specialist Charles A. Graner, Sergeant Javal Davis, Specialist Megan Ambuhl, Specialist Sabrina Harman, Private Jeremy Sivits, and Private Lynndie England, would inflict deliberate sadistic dehumanization that included physical, mental, and sexual abuse. The torturing of detainees was elevated after the Prison Riot of 2003 was neutralized. The instigators of the riot where beaten, striped of their clothing and forcibly restrained in stress positions. The actions of the soldiers were sanctioned by high racking administrative officials for the purpose of gaining actionable intelligence. During these interrogations, detainees where further subjected to torture and beatings that would result in regurgitated confections, false or inaccurate intelligence in exchange for a halt to the activities. On occasions, when the interrogations did not go a quickly as the interrogators desired some the detainees succumbed to the torture and were killed. 

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